Eventually, the soldier is forced to deal with SHODAN, a malicious AI responsible for the for the events of the previous game. The crew of the Von Braun have been infected with an alien parasite that enslaves them to a hive mind, and you have to fight your way through them to complete your objectives. You are contacted by a woman over the radio who tells you what to do in order to progress, in one of the earlier incarnations of a trope that continues to this day. In System Shock 2, you play as a cyborg soldier who wakes up on the Von Braun spaceship. I skipped to something I intended on doing a little later in the month: System Shock 2. Thirty minutes in, I ran into a bug where I would respawn in a zone with half of the textures missing, unable to do anything except press a button to respawn into the same sitution. After that, I gave Deadlight: Director’s Cut a go. I originally wanted to review Telltale’s Walking Dead, but it simply wouldn’t launch. My third Halloween game has caused me a bit of trouble.